How Much Does It Cost to Make a Web App?

Looking to figure out the price tag for building a web app? Well, brace yourself because it can range from just a few grand to a whopping hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's a crazy big difference, right?

You might be scratching your head, thinking, "What gives? Why is it so all over the place?" Here's the scoop: loads of stuff come into play when pricing out web app development. We're talking about how complicated the app is, its packing features, how certain the project is, and even where the developers are based.

So, instead of driving yourself bonkers trying to pinpoint an exact number, it's smarter to understand what's driving the cost. We'll explore each of those elements in detail in this blog. We'll also throw in some tips on how to follow in the footsteps of successful apps and maybe even save a few bucks along the way.

What is a Web App?

A website is not the same as a web application. Like a little software application, you may access it through your web browser. You know, like those apps on your phone or computer? Except with web apps, you don't need to download anything extra—just hop online, and you're good to go!

Think about it:

when you check your email on Gmail, do your online banking, or scroll through your social media feeds on your computer, you're using web apps. Even when shopping online, you're probably using a web app.

Web apps stand out because they're super interactive and dynamic. While browsing the web, you can do stuff like manage your data, perform tasks, and play around with cool features. This real-time interaction is what makes web apps so awesome for businesses. They help create a more engaging user experience and make it easier for companies to connect with their audience online.

Factors Affecting the Web Application Development Cost

When thinking about creating a web application, it's crucial to understand the variables that might impact the price. Let's break it down:

Type of Web App

There are different kinds of web apps, like Single Page Apps (SPAs), Multi-Page Apps (MPAs), and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Each type has its own features and complexity, which can impact how much it costs to develop. For example, SPAs like Gmail are known for being fast and interactive, while MPAs, like regular websites, have multiple pages for different tasks.

How Complex Your App Is

Your app will cost more to create the more complex it is. Simple apps, like a basic website, are cheaper because they're, well, simpler. But it'll cost more if you want more features, like user accounts or fancy stuff that updates in real-time.

Design and User Experience

It's essential to make your software user-friendly and visually appealing. But it also adds to the cost. Custom designs, cool animations, and ensuring everything works smoothly can increase the price.

Who's Doing the Work

Hiring developers isn't cheap. They will charge more the more experience they have. And if you want a big team with specialists for everything, that'll cost even more. You can hire in-house, outsource to a company, or work with freelancers, each with its own pros and cons.

How Long It Takes

Time is money, as they say. The longer it takes to build your app, the more it'll cost. And if there are lots of changes and tweaks along the way, that adds up too.

Technology and Integrations

The tools and services you use to build your app can affect the cost. Some technologies are cheaper or easier to work with than others. Connecting your app to other services, like payment systems or social media, can also add extra costs.

What Happens After It's Built

After your app launches, you need to consider recurring expenses. Things like hosting (keeping your app online), maintenance (fixing bugs and making updates), and making sure it can handle more users as it grows.

Average Web Application Development Cost

It's helpful to get an approximate sense of the cost of developing a web application before continuing. Recall that these are only approximations. Depending on what you want and who is performing the service, the real cost might vary significantly. Here's a basic breakdown:

Simple Web Apps

These are the straightforward ones, like basic websites or landing pages. They're quick to make and don't have many fancy features. You may have to pay between $5,000 and $15,000.

Moderately Complex Web Apps

These have a bit more going on, like user accounts or product listings with filters. They take a bit longer to build, maybe 1 to 3 months, and could cost you anywhere from $15,000 to $50,000 or more.

Highly Complex Web Apps

Think big, like social media platforms or real-time data processing apps. These can take over 6 months to build and could set you back $50,000 or more.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

These are a bit of a mixed bag. A basic one might cost about the same as a moderately complex web app, while a super fancy one could rival the costs of a highly complex app.

Please keep in mind that these are just ballpark figures. The actual cost for your project might be different. It's best to talk to a reliable development team to get a more accurate idea based on your needs.

2 Ways to Lower Web App Development Cost

Everyone loves a bargain, right? So, it's no surprise that people often ask how to cut the cost of building a web app.

Well, here's the good news: the price tag isn't set in stone. There are ways to bring down the cost, and here are two tips to help you do just that:

Trim Down the Features

Here's a golden rule: start small to make it big. By reducing the number of features, you save time and money and ensure that each feature gets the attention it deserves. Plus, you can always add more features later down the line.

Go for Template Solutions

Why reinvent the wheel? Using pre-made templates, UI kits, or third-party solutions can save you a lot of time and money. And if you choose wisely, it won't compromise the quality of your product; it might even enhance it!


Web app development is full of possibilities. You can make smarter choices by understanding what affects the costs and the value they bring.

Finding the proper partner, selecting features carefully, and being clear about your needs are crucial. You can make a fantastic web app that grows your business with a well-thought-out plan.Are you prepared to use web applications to advance your company's operations?

Here to assist you is FiveRiver Technologies. Our expertise lies in developing online applications, and we have a reputation for providing excellent results at reasonable costs.

Contact us for a free consultation today!