Introducing SmartWindows For Individuals and Enterprise Users

‘Work Smart’

Do these two words sound familiar to you? There are plenty of suggestions on the Internet about making yourself more efficient and productive, but there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to technology.

Some productivity applications perform routine tasks for you, allowing you to concentrate on the work that only you can do, while others manage your almost always flooded email inbox. With the proper productivity tools and applications at your fingertips, simplifying your workflows becomes easier.

Here’s the question. Do you think about what you want to get out of your productivity goals? Productivity is a measure of input over output, but how do you define it on your terms? Let’s say that when you increase productivity, you get more done in less time, increase your revenue streams, or perhaps, earn a promotion. Ultimately, it all comes down to using your time in a meaningful manner to achieve goals smartly.

Being productive also means becoming more focused and less distracted especially if you are a software engineer, game developer, data analyst, designer, or tech enthusiast. Do you perform routine functions such as answering emails, taking notes, participating in online meetings, calendaring, creating to-do lists, conducting R&D, or using Microsoft Office 365? If so, you probably manage multiple applications at the same time, which means that staying on track with your projects at all times is necessary. The reality is that technology fails us sometimes because it can always be compromised in one way or the other, leading to delays, downtime, lost progress, and IT anxiety.

This is why we at FiveRivers Technologies custom-designed and engineered THE IT solution that defines the future of smart work, keeping in mind digital transformation needs. SmartWindows recognizes that working 9-5 does not necessarily indicate greater productivity especially when one has to solve IT problems instead of focusing on what they need to do. This state-of-the-art application makes your professional and personal tasks easier to complete. How does it do all this? Let’s explore its features and benefits for a more in-depth understanding:

Organization & Time Management

Multi-tasking in this digital world is not new, but easier said than done. Do you ever glance at your checklist and become intimidated because you are not on schedule? If so, you are not alone. With so much going on, it is essential to track projects and increase efficiency. This makes it simple to document what you have worked on and categorize your daily work hours.

Now, let’s assume you run multiple displays with open browsers and applications, and suddenly, your computer crashes. In another situation, you experience a browser crash or an unscheduled restart, leaving you wondering just how you are going to get each and every application and browser tab opened and organized. Even when you do finally get your desktop computer working, you have to start all over again. Tech failure can be costly if you do not have the right solutions or infrastructure in place.

Enter SmartWindows. Use it to create multiple profiles and resume work almost instantly by conveniently reopening applications that were active before your computer crashed. It intelligently picks up from your last session in the associated profile and directs you to all the applications that appear on your screens. SmartWindows eliminates the time and effort you would otherwise put in to restore tabs one by one by going through your entire browser history. Refer to the app’s intuitive main menu to immediately access your populated profiles without IT clutter that can cause further confusion or delays. Stay organized and keep a check on the tasks that account for more time so you can prioritize smartly and optimize your approach to smart - not hard work.

Project Management

When you take on multiple projects, chances are you want to unlock real business value and maximize both short-term and long-term productivity. You probably switch between tasks and projects with the intent to increase output as much as possible. In some cases, this context switching may affect your productivity instead of helping you. Once again, SmartWindows can help.

Let’s take the example of a software engineer who brainstorms, answers emails, attend virtual meetings, and waits for tests or builds to complete. They label some assignments as a high priority, so it seems logical they would try to save time by getting the most important things out of the way first. In reality, working simultaneously poses real challenges, because Task 2 and 3 may serve as a distraction to Task 1, and you need to divide your attention.

SmartWindows is designed for the true multi-tasker of today. In addition to being the best remote desktop software, it answers questions like ‘how to restore Google Chrome tabs after restart’, ‘how to restore session on Firefox’, etc. It is THE multi-monitor Windows 10 application for individuals who must retain a high level of attention, control, make quick decisions, and thrive under the stress of heavy workloads.

Context Switching

Multi-tasking often involves context switching. When you jump between projects in quick succession, you also switch between contexts. So, instead of speeding up work, you switch the focus of your attention from one task to another. You invest in extra time and energy loading and reloading contexts into your memory, slowing down your progress. Not to mention how operating multiple screens at one time can negatively impact cognitive capabilities if everything is haphazard.

SmartWindows is the all-in-one solution to all these challenges. It not only enables you to work comfortably with more than one workspace within a Windows 10 environment and relocate multiple applications when necessary. If need be, you can use the rewrite profile feature to save the latest changes and save browsers with their opened URLs.

These are not the only capabilities of SmartWindows. How about managing an active tab history and saving browser size as well as position? Or, choose from configurations that most appropriately reflect the work you are undertaking, and minimize or close profiles in which you did not have any apps. Whether you are an on-premise or remote worker, you can also extend your workspace up to six displays.

So, why buy a separate multi-monitor tool when you have SmartWindows? It is just one application that can demonstrate various functionalities including the ability to remember application positioning on multiple monitors and restore browser tabs with a single click. SmartWindows goes beyond the principle of working smart. It makes you more flexible by streamlining task transitions (and your attention), allowing you to easily adapt to the rules associated with your tasks.

Now, you can intelligently divide the time you spend on specific tasks, make cognitively demanding tasks less intimidating, pause work on projects in the right places, and document your progress without any IT-related concerns.


If you are serious about organization and time management, then SmartWindows is the best productivity app in the market today. Whether you are on a tight schedule or want to make better use of your hours, SmartWindows offers cutting-edge functionalities and in-depth, accurate analyses of your efficiency and productivity so there are never any gray areas.

Feel free to download SmartWindows and provide us your feedback or in case of any issue feel free to contact us at [email protected]